About the Reimagined Youth Sport Project

The current youth sporting system often falls short of providing the necessary framework for young people to cultivate the skills needed to effectively navigate and contribute to change in a positive manner.  

To face this challenge, the Ashoka Sport for Changemaking initiative launched the Reimagining Youth Sport Project, working together with sport changemakers to create a new architecture for the global youth sport landscape that plays to win for society and for the environment; one where all players in the system make choices that benefit everyone in the long-term. 

Join us in reimagining and playing the long game. 

Join us in Reimagining

As key innovators and disruptors in the youth sports system, we are excited about the prospect of collaborating with you on this transformative journey. We hope you'll join us across each stage as we work together to drive impactful change: 


We establish our baseline framework by mapping the current characteristics of the youth sporting ecosystem, the desired future we envision for youth sport, and the incentive structures help us achieve this. Interested in contributing? Please share your experiences via this survey:
English Spanish Portuguese


Alongside a Steering Committee of international policy makers, social entrepreneurs, media specialists, and funders, we discuss and validate the current conditions the interventions, policies, incentive structures that will scale innovative, systems-changing solutions. 

Pilot Interventions:

Working with select local communities around the world, Ashoka’s Sport for Changemaking team will test the architecture in your local / community settings.  

A Glimpse of Change:

Ashoka Fellows are already changing the youth sport system. Let’s scale these solutions together.